A Day in the Life of a Raw Foodist: Casey Lorraine Thomas.

by | Oct 12, 2011 | Alternative Therapy, Food | 2 comments

Do you know that eating far more fresh fruits and vegetables daily than the government recommendation of two fruit and five veg can completely change your health, your body and your life experience for the better?
In fact, eating a mostly vegetable based diet can propel your health to heights you can’t even imagine. They alkalise your blood, help to balance your body (and your moods!), allow better digestion and detoxification to occur and improve your chances of healing everything from acne to cancer.

Take my experience for example. I was reliant on daily steroid use to manage debilitating top to toe eczema for almost 25 years of my life. I was very frequently sick with the flu, colds and infections, plus I always battled with my weight. For ten years I tried every medical and natural route to heal my body of the symptoms and pain I lived with to no avail. That is, until I started downing green vegetable juice every day, eating a plant based diet of mostly vegetables, particularly leafy greens, adding in therapeutic natural foods and getting my colon cleansed. Yes, you read that last bit right.

This powerful combination transformed my health, body, energy, happiness and even my career and whole life experience in a way I never thought possible. This is the power of a clean, alkalising, plant based diet to start a revolution inside your own body. Of course, don’t forget your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing too! Below is a look into a typical day for me, which keeps me feeling consistently wonderful. Please use this to inspire, not mimick. You and I are different and have different needs. That is why I coach clients to find their own perfect balance, but everyone can benefit from seriously upping their veggie intake.

7 AM: I wake up and immediately get my meditation on. I listen to a guided mediation, my much loved Blissitations or practice mindfulness meditation.

7.20 AM: I drink lots of spring water and then shake my booty for anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. I am currently running a free Strong Is Sexy Fitness Challenge on my website which is great fun!
8.15 AM: Shower time! I brush my body in long strokes towards the heart with my natural bristly dry body brush to stimulate my lymphatic system. I shower and moisturise with organic, pure products and oils.
8.30 to 11.30 AM: I grab a litre of pure water with lemon juice and stevia and some Tulsi tea and head to my office to get started on my work day.
11.30 AM: I venture on to my back patio to catch some sunlight and breathe deeply.
11.45AML More clients, writing articles, blog posts, and other work. I feel so blessed to do the work I do.

1 PM: I make a full litre of green vegetable juice. Some combination of cucumber, celery, zucchini, silverbeet, chard, parsley, mint, kale, cos lettuce with lemon and ginger. I drink more herbal tea and pure water throughout the day.

3 PM: A snack of a smoothie made from spinach, avocado, blueberries, vanilla stevia, carob powder, cinnamon, water and ice fills me up while leaving me feeling light and energetic (similar to this recipe).
6PM: After finishing up my main projects and tasks for the day, I create an incredible salad of baby lettuces, carrot, beetroot, chopped garlic and ginger and cubed avocado topped with this winning Raw Japanese Caesar Dressing. I follow my salad with steamed cauliflower sprinkled with nutritional yeast, sea salt and dill. While making dinner, I listen to inspiring audios and dance to great music.

8 PM: After some final work, scheduling, emails, chores and often a class, client or teleclass, I relax for the night with a hot carob “milk” made with fresh almond milk. I spend quality time with my man, read, watch a film, do some stretches, go for a walk or just lay quietly until I go to bed. Every night I go to sleep listening to more Blissitations and smiling into my pillow, grateful that I’m alive.

Casey Thomas, certified Detox, Health and Life Coach, shows you how to get radiant health and energy, lose weight and heal naturally so that you can live the life you want in a body you love. Casey is based in Perth Australia and conducts phone consultations internationally. If you’re ready to ditch the frumpy feeling and start looking and feeling fantastic in 7 steps, get your FREE report, tips and guidance now at http://www.CaseyLorraine.com

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  1. Debbie

    Happy Birthday Casey !!!!! (sunday) (:
    I love your site and you. Your articles are sooooo inspiring. Thank you for being there for all of us. You seem like such a sweetheart, you are like a friend to me. Bless you and may your birthday be a special one.

  2. Annette @ Wellness WA

    Very cute comment Debbie 🙂 x

Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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 Welcome to Wellness WA – come journey through Perth, WA & beyond with me in search of the best in natural beauty, fitness & fun, and the experience of ultimate wellness.

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Can’t wait for you to join me! xo



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