X-Press Winter Fashion Magazine 2011 – Warm n Toasty Beauty!

by | Jun 18, 2011 | Other | 1 comment

Hi everyone, I thought I would share with you my first foray into the world of print-based beauty writing, in case you are interested in checking it out! It’s all about warming beauty and wellbeing treatments that are perfect for winter! 🙂

The article can be found here: X-Press Winter Fashion Magazine 2011 – Warm n Toasty Beauty.

It was really exciting to have my article published “in the real world” and I will be doing more writing for X-Press in the future, as I’ve been chosen as their Beauty Writer for the seasonal fashion mags! Yay!

Hope you are well, and I would love to hear any of your thoughts on the article:)

Be well,



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1 Comment

  1. Alicia

    Well done love, this is awesome! So proud of my mate.


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