Weekly Wellness Gems.

by | Nov 8, 2010 | Wellness Tips

Hiya! Monday morning calls for some extra assistance this week and we’re here to throw some (hopefully) inspirational little shiny morsels into your hands and let you run with them…

So, I once again present to you the weekly round-up of all the best beauty, health & wellbeing related links that have crossed my path this week, hope you enjoy! xo

My Own Journey to Fitness & Wellbeing – a few people have been asking lately so I thought I’d re-post this one. I’m currently about to take up a personal trainer which was one of the things on the list… exciting times ahead for my fitness!!

How to be Fabulous in Three Easy(ish) Steps – well worth a look, the three steps are not as hard to come by as you’d expect…

How do you cope with the judgey judgey voice in your head? – Sarah Wilson lets us into her brain and also looks at a few ways we can combat our nasty inner voice.

Did your breakfast sabotage your skin today?

How to Eat Before and After a Workout – from Healthy Bitch Daily (!!)

Why You Should Apply Sunscreen First – seriously you must watch this one, I learned heaps! A really interesting video that explains the science (in an easy to understand way) of why applying sunscreen first is vital. Must must must watch!

http://www.meatalternatives.org provides a list of meat alternatives search-able by brand and state!

Why Happiness is Something We All Need to Invest in from the ever-lovely Yasemin from PRIMPED. Loved this one.

10 Instant Mood Boosters – do some now!

Self Care Tips for Busy People – and that’s most of us.

Mummies Point to Man Made Cancer – thousands of years ago cancer was almost non-existent… food for thought.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks installment, I think there’s something for everyone!

Be well,



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Hey there, I´m Annette

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about healthy living. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you improve your health & reach your goals. Combining my certification & experience, I want to help you develop a plan to reach your goals.



Halvah sesame snaps dragée. Marshmallow marshmallow tiramisu pastry icing tart. Chocolate cake pie candy gingerbread oat cake jujubes.