Beauty & Wellbeing Routine: Sharee James, Naturopath and Director of Ashima Journeys.

by | Jul 29, 2013 | Interviews, Other

First up, briefly tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m a Perth girl born and bred, though after studying naturopathy I spent 6 years in my twenties travelling the world and the travel bug has never left me. I now share my passion for travel with others by running wellness retreats in special locations such as the Himalayas of Nepal, through my business Ashima Journeys. In fact we have our next retreat in Nepal coming up this October! I also consult part time as a naturopath at Eternal Health Clinic in Greenwood.

Tell us about your daily beauty routine.

I have sensitive skin so I use an all natural salon-only skin care range called Osmosis. They use herbs and vitamins that have been specially formulated to actually get into the skin, rather than just sitting on the surface, and I swear by them!

What’s the one beauty treatment you can't live without? And your favourite place to have it done?

I have had incredible results with Omnilux light therapy. I had acne when I was younger and had some leftover scarring and redness, and Omnilux really improved the quality and texture of my skin, I was quite amazed. I like to get it done at Skin Deep in Mullaloo, as it’s very close to where I live.

Who do you trust with your hair in Perth, and why?

I must admit, for some reason I am not so fussy with my hair, I tend to go to the cheaper salons in the shopping centres, I find they do just as good a job as the pricier places!

Favourite budget / at home beauty treatment?

French green clay masks, they are really detoxifying for the skin, and cost hardly anything if you make them yourself!

Your three, absolutely cannot live without, favourite products?

Paw paw ointment, Australian Bush Flower Essence “Love Your Body” moisturiser, and Nude by Nature mineral foundation.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?

Daily meditation and yoga helps me cope with the busyness of modern-day life.

What beauty treatment/ wellbeing activity would you love to try but haven't yet?

I would love to try a floating in a flotation tank, it sounds like it would be so relaxing. ED: A brand new floatation tank biz has just started up in the city, check out Beyond Rest Float, based in the city.

Describe a typical day of eating for you.

Nutrition is one of my passions, I usually start the day with a green smoothie, snack on goji berries and pumpkin seed throughout the day and have a small portion of carbs (quinoa, spelt, chickpeas etc) with salad, and lean protein like free-range chicken, fish or tempeh with veggies at night.

Describe your fitness routine.

I practice Ashtanga yoga regularly and walk a few times a week. Now that it’s getting colder and darker I want to join a gym and start running too.

Do you take part in any alternative therapies or take supplements?

If only you could see my kitchen bench! I take heaps of supplements, mainly a plant-based protein powder, a probiotic, flaxseed oil, magnesium, glutamine, colostrum and usually some type of herbal formula I have concocted at the clinic where I work.

How many hours sleep do you usually get each night? Do you have any bedtime rituals or tips to help you get a great nights sleep?

I usually get 8 hours sleep a night and I am a big believer in having “quiet-time” before bed. I have at least an hour with no computer, phone, TV etc before bed, where I just unwind, read, meditate or listen to music before going to sleep.

How do you like to relax? What are your favourite ways to de-stress?

Meditation is number one, I like to go the Dhammaloka Buddhist centre in Nollamara on Fridays for meditation and to listen to one of Ajahn Brahm’s amazing talks. That inspires me for the whole week!

Thanks to Sharee for sharing her inspiring routine 🙂 If you'd like to find out more about her work check out Ashima Journeys. Any questions please leave them below! 🙂

Be well,


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Annette Gohl, Editor of Wellness WA

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