Every new day is like turning the page on life and having a chance to refresh, re-set and start again! So, if we’re refreshing ourself, it makes sense for us to be able to refresh our skin too. Is it even possible to wake up with better skin? Well, I’m hoping my seven top tips might help you do just that!
Always Be a Barefaced Beauty
It’s the absolute golden rule that you should always, always, ALWAYS, remove your makeup before bed, yes, even after a late night out. This is with good reason. Hopping into bed without taking your full face off is a surefire way to clog up your pores and boost free radicals. This speeds up the ageing process , which is certainly NOT what you want if you’re looking for a dewy morning glow.
Pamper Yourself Ready for Beauty Sleep
Although I’ve told you above to be a barefaced beauty when you slip between the sheets, once you take off your makeup, there are a few more layers of the good stuff you should think about popping on to your face, to help you wake up with glowing skin. A nice cleanse, tone and moisturise should do the trick!
Think Smartly About What you Drink
If you do happen to be out socialising ahead of hitting the sack, make sure you’re not crawling into the sheets parched! Try soda water with fresh lime or coconut water as a mixer if you’re having alcohol, to counteract its dehydrating effects. Definitely avoid sugary, caffeinated drinks too, such as cola, fruit juices and energy drinks, as they can unsettle your sleep and leave your skin thirsty.
Nail Your Pillow Position
Did you know, your beauty sleep may actually be contributing to your wrinkles!? No word of a lie, sleep wrinkles can actually form by what is believed to be the result of the skin being pushed and pulled against the pillow, damaging skin-smoothing collagen over time. Future-proof your face by sleeping on your back – lying face down or sideways on your pillow can help cause lines to form.
Slip On a Silky Eye-Mask
Another nifty trick to avoid those dreaded face creases, while you unwittingly catch your zzzzs, is to invest in a silk eye mask! It not only blocks out the light to help you drift off, but it can also help with your skin staying crease-free by helping to prevent the pillow from being pushed into the side of the face. Plus, the silk can also soothe the skin, helping to lock in moisture and prevent visible dehydration. Amazing!
Pile the Pillows Up High
Aim to sleep with your head elevated on two pillows, as if you lie flat during your slumber fluids can pool around your eyes causing you to wake up with puffy peepers! Keeping your head elevated during the night means the fluids don’t have the opportunity to gather up, so you wake bright eyed and beautiful!
Bank Those ZZZZZZ’s
Perhaps the most obvious tip, but certainly the most crucial, is to actually get enough sleep to quantify the phrase beauty sleep in the first place. Go to bed at a decent time to ensure you lock in a good eight hours. Those that get the recommended dose of shut eye wake up with smoother, clearer skin. If you are sleep deprived, there’s a chance you’ll look pale, worn-out, and have bags under your eyes. So get into a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid screens and get ready to reap the rewards when you wake!
Contributor: Katy Rachel Moore is into all things wellness and loves to get her teeth stuck into into the latest health trends.